Digital Logic Design

A digital computer stores data in terms of digits (numbers) and proceeds in discrete steps from one state to the next. The states of a digital computer typically involve binary digits which may take the form of the presence or absence of magnetic markers in a storage medium , on-off switches or relays. In digital computers, even letters, words and whole texts are represented digitally. Digital Logic is the basis of electronic systems, such as computers and cell phones. Digital Logic is rooted in binary code, a series of zeroes and ones each having an opposite value. This system facilitates the design of electronic circuits that convey information, including logic gates. Digital Logic gate functions include and, or and not. The value system translates input signals into specific output. Digital Logic facilitates computing, robotics and other electronic applications.

Digital Logic Design is foundational to the fields of electrical engineering and computer engineering. Digital Logic designers build complex electronic components that use both electrical and computational characteristics. These characteristics may involve power, current, logical function, protocol and user input. Digital Logic Design is used to develop hardware, such as circuit boards and microchip processors. This hardware processes user input, system protocol and other data in computers, navigational systems, cell phones or other high-tech systems.

Data Representation and Number system

Numeric systems

The numeric system we use daily is the decimal system, but this system is not convenient for machines since the information is handled codified in the shape of on or off bits; this way of codifying takes us to the necessity of knowing the positional calculation which will allow us to express a number in any base where we need it.

Radix number systems The numeric system we use daily is the decimal system, but this system is not convenient for machines since the information is handled codified in the shape of on or off bits; this way of codifying takes us to the necessity of knowing the positional calculation which will allow us to express a number in any base where we need it.

A base of a number system or radix defines the range of values that a digit may have.

In the binary system or base 2, there can be only two values for each digit of a number, either a “0” or a “1”.

In the octal system or base 8, there can be eight choices for each digit of a number: “0”, “1”, “2”, “3”, “4”, “5”, “6”, “7”.

In the decimal system or base 10, there are ten different values for each digit of a number: “0”, “1”, “2”, “3”, “4”, “5”, “6”, “7”, “8”, “9”.

In the hexadecimal system, we allow 16 values for each digit of a number: “0”, “1”, “2”, “3”, “4”, “5”, “6”, “7”, “8”, “9”, “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, “E”, and “F”.

Where “A” stands for 10, “B” for 11 and so on.

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