Canonical Form

he technique that is used to represent the mathematical entities or matrix in its standard form (or mathematical expression) is termed as canonical form. The term canonicalization is also known as standardization or normalization with respect to the equivalence relation.
Define an equivalence relation R on a set U with a map Description: Description: such that for all Description: Description:, then the following conditions are hold:

Description: Description:

The standard representation of canonical form is used in many fields like Linear algebra, graph theory, Operations Research, Computer science, and so on. The triangular form, Jordan canonical form and row echelon form are some major canonical forms in Linear Algebra.

Triangular canonical form :

Let Description: Description: be a linear operator. Then, U has a basis B such that
Description: Description:
This matrix representation is known as a triangular canonical form.

The characteristic polynomial of triangular canonical form is
Description: Description:
Jordan Canonical Form:

Any matrix Description: Description: can be represented as a Jordan canonical form by using a similarity transformation. That is,

Description: Description:

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