Let us consider a simple dc network as shown in Figure to find the currents through different branches using Mesh (Loop) current method.
Draw the circuit on a flat surface with no conductor crossovers.
Label the mesh currents carefully in a clockwise direction.
Write the mesh equations by inspecting the circuit (No. of independent mesh (loop) equations=no. of branches (b) – no. of principle nodes (n) + 1).
To analysis, a resistive network containing voltage and current sources using ‘mesh’ equations method the following steps are essential to note:
· If possible, convert current source to voltage source.
· Otherwise, define the voltage across the current source and write the mesh equations as if these source voltages were known. Augment the set of equations with one equation for each current source expressing a known mesh current or difference between two mesh currents.
· Mesh analysis is valid only for circuits that can be drawn in a two-dimensional plane in such a way that no element crosses over another.
Example ; Find the current through ‘ab-branch’ ( I ) and voltage ( V ) across the current source using Mesh-current method